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Table and Chair

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funiture, foldable furniture, beanbag sofa, mahjong, height adjustment desk

  • How is the Buying Procedure?
    購物流程: Buying Procedure 🔽將喜愛的商品連同尺碼及顏色喜好(如有選擇) 發給我們 Send your selected item details to us 🔽選擇送貨及付款方式 Select Payment & Delivery Method 🔽付款憑據發給我們 Send Payment Proof to us 🔽我們會發訂單確認, 需要你核對。 Send order details to be confirmed by buyer 🔽安排交貨: Get Products: 🔸取貨: 本店會聯絡你夾取貨日期及時間 Pick up: We will Contact you to arrange a schedule for the pick up. 🔸送貨: 送貨前1至2天, 本店會聯絡你夾送貨細節。送貨當日一般會再聯絡你是否方便收貨。 Delivery: Will arrange delivery Around 1-2 days before delivery. And Will probably contact you on the date of delivery make sure someone can receive the goods.
  • How do I make payment here?
    Payment methods: Online automatic payment by varies type of credit cards Online auto payment by Alipay Contact CS for other online payments: Octopus (can use consumption voucher) FPS AlipayHK Wechat Pay Payme-app or HSBC Bank East Bank Hong Kong

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