4D卡通動物儲物櫈 |4D animal cartoon storageable stool
[可愛立體卡通動物儲物櫈仔, 換鞋櫈] 4D animals Cartoon storageable stool
科技布櫈面, 防水防潮清潔易, 柔軟舒適, 配實木櫈腳, 堅固耐用。
4D cartoon with technology cloth cover which is water proof, soft and comfortable.
Durable Solid wood foots and
filling with cotton sponge.
📶尺碼size :
🔸Stool width
櫈面寛度: 33cm
🔸Height include legs
高度連腳: 36cm
🔸Stool length
櫈面長度: 62cm
(see picture for details
🔸Storage space
儲物空間: 20x20x20cm
1張PC: $468@
2張PCS: $398@