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智能升降桌 可調節高度書桌 | Smart System Height Adjustable Work Desk

智能升降桌 可調節高度書桌 | Smart System Height Adjustable Work Desk



New Generation of smart height adjustable desk

➡️物料material :

優質碳鋼框架及腿腳, 枱角圓滑打磨, 耐刮耐磨, 寛大桌面, 升降電機先進安全, 整體堅固耐用。

High quality steel alloy frame and foots, with well polished corners, use high technology electric motor to drive the system

💡 關於電機: 採用加厚型齒輪結構高效運轉, 降低機器磨擦損耗, 均速平穩, 有效降低噪音。

25mm/S 升降速度, 絲滑順暢,遇阻回彈。以線性驅動技術, 升降平穩, 如履平地。

💡鍵控面板控制靈敏, 多檔記憶, 桌高低升降76至120cm 。

High sensitivity board system with multi gears memorable

💡設順滑拉動抽屉, 存放常用文具。Smooth work Drawers to store daily stationery


Table board materials is selectable

1. 優質環保板 (楓木色, 白色)

ECO board (light wood, white)

2.實木橡木板 (以指接制作工藝/只有原木色)

Solid OAK wood (puzzle shape design /original wood color)


size and price:

✅環保板材 ECO Board:

🏆100cmx60cm: $1798

🏆120cmx60cm: $1898

🏆140cmx60cm: $1998

✅實木橡木板材 OAK Wood:

🏆100cmx60cm: $1998

🏆120cmx60cm: $2198

🏆140cmx60cm: $2398


產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 或可向本店索取視頻 (如有)/ Self installation is required. Instruction is provided in the packaging box. Video may have too (depends)

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意/ We offer satisfying after sale services to our customers


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