伸縮款歐陸電視組合櫃/ Nordic style TV Console extensible in length
環保顆粒板材, 堅固耐用
光滑圓角設計, 綫條優美
結實耐用五金, 久用不損耗
實木櫃腳, 結實耐用
可伸縮設計, 靈活方便
📶尺碼及售價size and price:
🔸Small 小號展開
133-200cm length x42cm高height: HKD798
🔸Large 大號展開
164-220cm length x42cm高height: HKD898
產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 或可向本店索取視頻 (如有)/ Self installation is required. Instruction is provided in the packaging box. Video may have too (depends)
#️⃣售後服務/After sale service
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意/ We offer satisfying after sale services to our customers