兒童學習椅桌套裝, 兒童可折叠椅桌 | Kid's Foldable Table and Chairs Set
SKU: KF852250211
‼️免運費Free Delivery
‼️免安裝, 即開即用|Installation Free
適用: 2-7歲
材質: 環保PP
包裝: 紙盒包裝
顏色: 藍色, 粉紅色, 果綠, 米白色
尺碼: 看圖片顯示
🔸Name:Children's folding table and chairs
🔸Applicable: 2-7 years old
🔸Material: Environmentally friendly PP
🔸Packaging: Carton packaging
Color: blue, pink, fruit green, off-white
🔸Size: See the picture
🔸 單桌1 Table Only: $298
🔸 1桌Table 1椅Chair: $398
🔸 1桌Table 2椅Chairs: $468
🔸 1桌Table 3椅Chairs: $538
🔸 1桌Table 4椅Chairs: $598