創意拼色方櫈仔圓櫈仔/ Designer Puzzle color Stool
[創意拼色科技布海棉墊櫈仔/ Creative puzzle color with technology cloth sponge stool]
科技布面料, 防水防潮防霉, 質地柔軟, 透氣耐磨, 高回彈海棉, 承重力強, 舒適耐用。清潔簡單, 一抹即可。
Technology cloth cover with soft and resilient sponge.
Water proof, easy to clean and comfortable. Flexi stack on storage.
正方形或買圓形, 12款拼色
Square or round shape, 12 puzzle colors
30x30cm 高度(Height)
1 張PC: $148
3張起PCS UP: $128/張Each