北歐幾何整裝茶几 | Nordic Style Geometry Ready Installed Coffee Table
SKU: FC852241111
[北歐鐵藝萬用茶几/小桌 Steel art multi used side table, small desk]
物料material : 整個鐵藝板及框腳架, 圓潤桌邊, 粗壯腿腳, 穩固耐用。環保水性漆滑面, 經防銹處理, 安全無憂。
**鐵藝整裝, 無需安裝 All body made of Steel alloys art with well polished around corners and weight bearable stand. Durable and non rust.
**Ready installed
尺碼及售價Size and price:
🔸小號Small 48cmx55cm : HK$438
🔸大號Large 53cmx55cm : HK$538
黑色及白色 Black, White