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可疊高椅子創意圓形櫈 | Creative Stacking Round Stools

可疊高椅子創意圓形櫈 | Creative Stacking Round Stools

SKU: FS852240521

‼️無需安裝 即開即用

NO installation is required


Include delivery to destinated address

‼️可疊高放, 非常慳位

Can be stacking up, very space friendly



🔸別緻靠背, 3D立體感設計

自備舒適小靠背,靠舒適,凳面加寬加大設計, 坐感舒適,久坐不累,緩解疲勞

3D dimensions with small back support, large surrounding seat pad, it's comfortable and relaxed even sit long time.

🔸防滑耐磨底腳, 保護地板

產品底部採用防滑耐磨底腳,防止產品晃動, 減少移動噪音,保護地板

Non slippery design foots to protect floor tiles and avoid sounds

🔸飽滿填充, 落座柔軟舒適

內部填充飽滿海綿,軟而不塌,久坐不累, 寬大凳面設計,前緣貼合臀部曲線,落座舒適

Thick sponge for large surface to support sitting

🔸優質PP物料, 穩固支撐一體成型設計, 產品一體成型成型, 底部採用多個橫條加固, 整體結實耐用,穩固承重

High Quality PP material, integral forming, One piece die cast mould design, with reinforcement at bottom of seat board to deliver extra supporting and very nice and modern looking




🔸1張PC: $398

🔸2張起PC Up: $378/張PC

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