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天然鵝卵石腳部按摩墊/ Natural Stone foots massage mat

天然鵝卵石腳部按摩墊/ Natural Stone foots massage mat


天然鵝卵石地墊, 石春墊

Natural stone foots massage mat

可清洗, 衛生清潔

Washeable, clean and hygienic

可按摩腳底 幫助血液循環

Foot massage for to promote better blood circulation

兩款尺碼選擇|2 Sizes:

圖案隨機|Random Pattern

🔸40x60cm: $148

🔸40x150cm: $298


Advanced Bathroom Type:

圖案隨機|Random Pattern

🔸40x50cm: $198

產品網頁: Stores Product Widget
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