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日式實木咖啡機櫃, 客廳茶几 |Japanese Style Dining Room Solid Pine Wood Shelving

日式實木咖啡機櫃, 客廳茶几 |Japanese Style Dining Room Solid Pine Wood Shelving



JAPANESE Style Pine wood Dining table Shelving]

📢整裝發貨, 收貨後只需放上玻璃門及腳即可, 省時方便。

📢Send with well installed body, just need to put on glasses door and foots when received, very convenient.

物料material :

進口松木實木板塊及框腳, 圓潤桌邊, 粗壯腿腳, 穩固耐用, 環保水性漆滑面, 安全無憂。

Fine solid imported pine wood with well polished borders and corners. Eco friendly painting surface which is smooth and much safety.



Size and price:

[統一尺碼| Standard for] :

169cm 櫃高Shelve height

42cm 深度depth

尺碼及售價Size and Price:

[闊度可選Width Selectable] :

✅50cm 闊W: $2498

✅60cm 闊W: $2698

✅70cm 闊W: $2898



Original Wood Colour|dark oak colour


📢產品整裝發貨, 只需簡單裝上玻璃及腳

Packaging with Installed body, need to self Install the glasses door and foots

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。

We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.

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