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日式實木邊几櫃 無需安裝 |Japanese Style Solid Wood Side Table Shelving

日式實木邊几櫃 無需安裝 |Japanese Style Solid Wood Side Table Shelving



JAPANESE Style Solid Wood Side Shelving Table]

📢整裝發貨, 無需安裝 即開即, 省時方便。

📢Send with well installed Product when received, very convenient.

🚛包運費到指定地址 ( 偏遠及唐樓沒電梯另議)

🚛Include delivery to destinated address (far location and building without lift excluded)

物料material :

進口櫸木實木板塊, 圓潤桌邊, 穩固耐用, 環保水性漆滑面, 安全無憂。

Fine solid imported Zelkova wood with well polished borders and corners. Eco friendly painting surface which is smooth and much safety.

萬方輪自由移動帶鎖輪, 方便隨處可用

Free moving by 360°C wheels with Stopper, portable everywhere

強化耐用玻璃面板, 層板可調節高度。

Strong Composite Glasses top board, and boardlayer is adjustable in height


Size and price:


74cm x28cm x52cm高H



Original Wood Colour|Brown oak colour

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