楠竹實木折叠書桌/ Fine Bamboo solid wood Foldable work desk
SKU: FD852241111
[楠竹實木折叠收納易工作桌Fine Bamboo solid wood Foldable work desk]
整張全實木楠竹木製, 及環保噴漆。
Fine Bamboo solid wood Foldable work desk with safety paint surfaces
圓潤枱角, 防刮耐磨, 安全安心
Round corner design, scratch resistant, safe and modern looking
堅固穩陣, 持久耐用
Strong, bearable and Durable, long lasting
2檔高度可調節(60 to 64cm)
2 gears of height adjust
配合圓潤手把, 便携收納易
Round polished hand hold for comfortable carry and folding
無需安裝, 即開即用
No installation is required
板面尺碼board size:
height adjustable from
60 to 64cm