[特長款] 楠竹實木日式電視櫃 | Japanese Style Bamboo Wood Extra Long TV Console
SKU: FTV8600910
JAPANESE Style bamboo wood TV Console]
物料material :
實木楠竹板塊及框腳, 圓潤桌邊, 粗壯腿腳, 穩固耐用, 環保水性漆滑面, 安全無憂。
Fine solid bamboo wood with well polished borders and corners. Eco friendly painting surface which is smooth and much safety.
Size and price:
[統一尺碼| Standard for] :
EST. 33cm 櫃高Shelve height
EST. 30cm 深度depth
尺碼及售價Size and Price:
[長度可選Length Selectable] :
✅140cm 長L: $798
✅160cm 長L: $998
✅180cm 長L: $1198
產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。
Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box.
#️⃣售後服務/After sale service
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。
We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.