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簡約個性電視櫃 | Simplicity TV Console

簡約個性電視櫃 | Simplicity TV Console

SKU: FT852250119


Simplicity Stylish TV Console

[‼️免運費|Free Delivery]

[‼️免安裝, 即開即用|FREE Installation]


*實木顆粒板材, 堅固耐用

*光滑圓角設計, 綫條優美

*結實耐用五金, 久用不損耗

*櫸木實木粗壯櫃腳, 結實耐用

*隱藏性電線孔位, 美觀大方

Smart cable hole & ample storage space which is designed for hiding messy cables.



Size and price:

[統一尺碼| Standard for] :

20cm 櫃高Shelve height

20cm 腳架高Foot height

24cm 深度depth

尺碼及售價Size and Price:

[長度可選Length Selectable] :

✅100cm 長L: $898

✅120cm 長L: $998

✅140cm 長L: $1098

✅170cm 長L: $1298

✅190cm 長L: $1498

產品網頁: Stores Product Widget
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