迷折叠便携拉車神器/ Mini Foldable & storageable trolley
▶️不銹鋼迷你便携折叠手拉車◀️Stainless Steel Foldable Trolley產品資料Product Info: 不銹鋼框架, 耐磨包膠輪Stainless steel frame配備手機吸附磁片With mobile magnetic stick 接合收納後緊小於筆記簿尺碼, 外出便携輕巧As small as a notepad after fold up, hand and feasible storage at handbag '承重力約weight bearable: 25KG' 淨重約product net weight: 890g'底盤高度board from floor: 5cm' 折叠尺碼folded size: 24x11.5x3.5cm➡️售價Price: $298贈送拉絕2條及引磁片1塊Free 2 Stripes and hand phone magnetic board 附加配套ADD on products: 通用袋Standard bag: +HKD68升級袋Advanced bag: +HKD98