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長條不銹鋼儲物鎖櫃/ Stainless Steel locker shelves

長條不銹鋼儲物鎖櫃/ Stainless Steel locker shelves



Stainless Steel Locker Shelves for centres

適合健身室, 寫字樓, 商業大廈, 食肆, 美容院, 安老院, 醫院診所,


Suitable for fitness centres, offices, beauty centres, elderly house, hospital, clinics, recreation centres, etc

[厚度有thickness 1mm]

[可選擇鎖類型lock types are selectable]

🔰尺碼及售價Size and Price:

統一深度38cm, 寛42cm

Standard depth 38cm, width 42cm


no of doors selection:

🔸 1 櫃門Door: HKD798

🔸2櫃門Door: HKD898

🔸3櫃門Door: HKD998

🔸4櫃門Door: HKD1098

🔸5櫃門Door: HKD1198

🔰顏色選擇Colours selection

多款顏色選擇, 看刊登圖片

Multiple Colours, see post picture


產品需自行安裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。

Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box.

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。

We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.

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