優質不銹鋼多層碗碟架, 刀叉筷子架 | Fine Stainless Steel Multi Layers Bowl Rack and Cutlery Rack
Fine Stainless steel multi layer Kitchen cutlery rack
➡️物料material :
304不銹鋼Stainless steel
^碗碟直立放置, 方便瀝水
^底部存水底座, 隨時可清理積水
^The upper and lower layers of dishes are placed independently. Neat and clean totally.
^Place dishes upright for easy draining
^Water storage at plate at the bottom of each layer, can be cleaned up any time
💡尺碼Size :
看附圖See Picture
Price and Est. Size :
🔸33cm: $138
🔸43cm: $158
🔸53cm: $188
🔸33cm: $178
🔸43cm: $228
🔸53cm: $288
‼️架萬用筷子架及砧板架|With Side Rack+Chopboard Holder
⏩加ADD: +HKD58
產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 或可向本店索取視頻 (如有) Self installation is required. Instruction is provided in the packaging box. Video may have too (depends)
#️⃣售後服務After-Sale Service
本店設有客服中心, 提供完善售後服務。
Comprehensive After Sale service is provided at Service Ctr
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