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優質橡木榻榻米矮桌 | FINE Oak Wood Tatami Short Desk

優質橡木榻榻米矮桌 | FINE Oak Wood Tatami Short Desk



FINE Oak Wood Tatami Short Desk

物料material :

優質實木橡木制, 圓潤桌邊, 粗壯腿腳, 穩固耐用。環保水性漆滑面, 安全無憂。

Fine solid oak wood made with thick board and well polished desk borders and corners. Eco friendly painting surface which is smooth and much safety.


原木色, 胡桃色

Original wood color, nut brown


📣現購買任何以下尺碼可獲送2個榻榻米藤墊 (先到先得, 送完即止)

📣Now buy any size below to get 2 free tatami seat pads (while stocks last)


➡️尺碼及售價Size and price:


60x40x30cm 高(H) : HK$798


80x40x30cm 高(H) : HK$998


90x50x37cm 高(H) : HK$1198


120x55x37cm 高(H) : HK$1498


❗另設有整裝折叠款, 無需安裝即開即用, 以上每個尺碼售價只需[另加HKK180] 可升級折叠款。

🔰Advanced Model (Foldable, Installation Free)

❗Advanced model is Foldable, NO installation is needed. Price of each size above [Add HKD180] to upgrade to the Foldable model.


產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。

Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box.

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。

We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers


🚛SF Delivey Add HKD65

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