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北方老榆木魚缸櫃 免安裝 | Northern Core Ulmus Rubra Wood fish Tank Shelving

北方老榆木魚缸櫃 免安裝 | Northern Core Ulmus Rubra Wood fish Tank Shelving


📢無需安裝 即開即用

NO installation is required

🚛包運費到指定地址 ( 偏遠及唐樓沒電梯另議)

🚛Include delivery to destinated address (far location and building without lift excluded)

🧑‍🌾北方老榆木制, 高雅古典,

堅固耐用, 手工藝精心打造,

光滑圓角設計, 綫條優美,

結實耐用五金, 久用不損耗

🧑‍🌾Fully made of Northern Core Ulmus Rubra Wood

With Round and polished corners, handcrafted installed, very durable and long lasting

📶尺碼及售價size and price:

{全部高度統一|All standard height 70cm}

✅ 小號Small [30cm深Depth]

- 60cm length: HKD998

- 70cm length: HKD1098

- 80cm length: HKD1198

✅ 大號Large [40cm深Depth]

- 60cm length: HKD1198

- 70cm length: HKD1298

- 80cm length: HKD1398


富貴紅| Wealhy Reddish

深栗色| Royal Dark Chestnut

產品網頁: Stores Product Widget
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