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可折叠沙發床  靠背5檔調節 | Foldable Sofa Bed with 5 Adjustable Gears Rest Back

可折叠沙發床 靠背5檔調節 | Foldable Sofa Bed with 5 Adjustable Gears Rest Back


可折叠沙發床 靠背5檔調節|Foldable Sofa Bed with 5 Adjustable Gears Rest back

外層優質荔枝皮或絨布面科制, 絨布可拆洗, 荔枝皮清潔方便, 一抹即可。


高回彈海棉, 彈力十足, 緩解腰部壓力

Extra thick sponge with high degree of elasticity, capable of well released backbone pressure

尺碼及售價|Sizes and Price:

[長度Length: 192cm]

寛度可選Width Selectable:

🔸90cm: $1198

🔸120cm: $1498


4款顏色選擇/ 4 Colors available

🔺無需組裝, 即開即用, 方便快捷。 No assembly is required, fast and instinct use

🚛加100元包運費到指定地址 ( 偏遠及唐樓沒電梯另議)

🚛ADD HKD100 Include delivery to destinated address (far location and building without lift excluded)

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