可移動升降雙層電腦床邊桌 | Moveable and Height Adjustable Double Layer Work Desk
物料material :
環保板材及油漆, 鐵藝框架及腿腳, 圓滑枱角, 耐刮耐磨, 寛大桌面, 簡易安裝。
🔺萬方輪移動設計, 可鎖定固定, 方便隨處可用
All around wheels movable and lockable
Height adjustable* (60-85cm)
🔺配置物板於底部, 方便收納書籍
With storage board at the bottom for convenient book storage
🔺雙鋼管更有效承重, 穩固耐用
Double steel rod stand is more weight bearable and long lasting to see
➡️[尺碼, 顏色, 售價]:
Size, color, price
🔸60x40cm / 80x40cm:
2 colors:
木紋色, 藍色(wood color, blue)
🔸 80x50cm:
2 colors:
木紋色, 古橡木色(wood color, oat wood color )
🎟️60x40cm: HKD298
🎟️80x40cm: HKD368
🎟️80x50cm: HKD428
產品需自行安裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。
Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box.
#️⃣售後服務/After sale service
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。
We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.