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多層廚房微波爐架置物架 | Multi Layers Kitchen Microwave Oven Shelving

多層廚房微波爐架置物架 | Multi Layers Kitchen Microwave Oven Shelving

庫存單位: FS8681232


Simplicity Kitchen microwave shelving

環保板材, 穩固鋼架支撐, 細膩圓滑封邊, 表面耐磨耐刮, 耐水滴, 易清潔。自由組裝十分簡單。板材結實耐用, 承重力強。

Eco board with weight bearable steel frame. Strong support and durable nature. Smooth touch on surface, easy clean and water beatable.

📶尺碼及售價Size and Price

🔸雙層Double: $138

59cmx37. 5cmx[38cm高height]

🔸三層Triple: $238


*頂層Top Board: 30cm 深Depth

*中層Middle Board: 37cm 深Depth


🔸3款顏色配搭 (請看附圖)

3 colors combinations

(pls see pictures)


Simple self assembly is required

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