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客廳長方形LED燈 | Smart Rectangular LED Lighting

客廳長方形LED燈 | Smart Rectangular LED Lighting

庫存單位: LL8676556
💡材料: 鋁材邊框, 燈蓋壓克力, 及高亮透鏡燈珠。

💡特點: 鋁藝外框一體成型, 沒有任何接邊, 絕對安全美觀耐用, 新型壓克力, 高透力不傷眼, 耐用抗熱, 為現代化LED 燈的配置。纤薄6.5cm超薄厚度, 有利光線散開。

💡顏色: 黑色, 銀白色, 金


(白光) 不同尺碼的售價如下:
(white light) Diff sizes prices as below:

60x40cm/ 36 W: $298
70x50cm/ 48W: $368
80x60cm/ 72W: $458
90x60cm/ 96W: $528

💡3色燈(手制轉色) : 
💡3 kinds of lights (manual mode) 
Each of above size price add up $40

💡無極調光(搖控款) : 
💡Light changes from brown to white and dimness (remote mode) 
Each of above size price add up $60

產品需自行安裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。
Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box. 

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service 
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。
We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers. 

#️⃣此產品提供7天購物保証, 由交貨日始計, 如因產品自身質量問題可更換配件。
🔺因人為或安裝過程導致的損壞 恕不受理。
7 days (from date of receive the goods) product quality guaranteed (product itself nature) is offered to this product. Exchange of parts is available. 
🔺For damages by human beings or by mis installation is not served.
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