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實木曲切接叠收納椅/ Foldable washable curve cut art solid wood chair

實木曲切接叠收納椅/ Foldable washable curve cut art solid wood chair


優質實木椅, 框架曲線切割, 可收起接叠, 布藝櫈套可拆洗, 清潔衛生, 高回彈海棉坐墊, 舒適鬆軟, 久坐不塌。

💡曲木特點: 具獨特美感, 線條流暢, 不變形 抗潮濕, 歷久常新。



Plenty of colours either using nylon cloth or PU leather cover

💡無需安裝, 即開即用

No installation is required.

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