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實木顯示屏增高架/ Solid Wood Monitor stand

實木顯示屏增高架/ Solid Wood Monitor stand


全實木制, 細膩圓滑磨邊, 表面耐磨耐刮, 耐水滴, 易清潔。

Solid Wood well polished with round smooth corners

自由組裝十分簡單。板材結實耐用, 承重力強。

Easy Assembly


簡約風桌面靈活顯示屏增高架, 電腦顯示屏加高架, 不做低頭族, 改善坐姿, 使久坐不累。

Improve height for healthy and comfortable seat and look habit




原木色/Original wood color


產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有)

Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box.

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意

We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.

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