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戶外鐵藝長櫈帶升降桌板 手工拼接圖案 | Lifting Desk Board Outdoor Bench

戶外鐵藝長櫈帶升降桌板 手工拼接圖案 | Lifting Desk Board Outdoor Bench

庫存單位: FB8659088

可升降桌, 休閒鐵藝戶外桌椅

Lighting Desk Board Outdoor Bench


手工拼貼瓷磚圖案, 精緻鐵藝焊接, 多功能桌椅, 節省空間, 經濟實用。

Hand Crafted Ceramic puzzled art



Lifting Board in the middle to serve as desk


嚴格選用優質材料, 手工精密切割, 瓷磚透氣性好, 便於擦洗

手工製作陶瓷拼貼花紋, 精美實用。



🔸 單櫈沒升降桌| No Lifting Board : $1798

🔸 櫈連可收納升降桌板| With Lifting Board: $1998



🔸 白色White

🔸 黑色Black


🚛包本地運費到指定地址 ( 偏遠及唐樓沒電梯另議)

🚛Include Local delivery to destinated address (far location and building without lift

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