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接叠式梳化床可拆洗外套/ Foldable sofa bed with washable cover

接叠式梳化床可拆洗外套/ Foldable sofa bed with washable cover




🔺優質棉麻布編織外套, 透氣親膚舒適, 外套可拆洗設計, 清潔衛生

High quality cotton linens cloth, breathable and soft touch, cover is removable for regular washing

🔺加厚坐墊, 高回彈海棉, 彈力十足, 緩解腰部壓力

Extra thick sponge with high degree of elasticity, capable of well released backbone pressure

🔺靠背可多檔調節180度至90度, 不用時可折叠, 節省空間

Back and arm sides are both foldable



Pls refer to the photo


8款顏色選擇/ 8Colors available

🔺無需組裝, 即開即用, 方便快捷。

No assembly is required, fast and instinct use

🔺梳化及床兩用, 可放睡房及客廳

Sofa and bed multi use function. Suitable for sleeping room and dining room

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