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楠竹實木悠閒椅, 可折叠收納/ Fine Bamboo solid wood foldable chair

楠竹實木悠閒椅, 可折叠收納/ Fine Bamboo solid wood foldable chair


➡️物料material :

實木楠竹制, 配合寛大竹片, 優質結實五金, 穩固承重設計。加寛扶手設計, 增添舒適享受。環保水性漆滑面, 安全無憂。

Fine solid bamboo made with high quality steel accessories / parts constructed. Extra wide armhold for more comfortable resting. Eco friendly painting surface which is smooth and much safety.


簡約風悠閒椅, 可坐可躺, 享受舒適悠閒的片刻。

This Simplicity and carefree chair is for siting and low lying, excellent for rest and leisure moment.

配舒適靠枕, 設計貼合頸椎, 顧及周全。

Well designed neck pillow is good fit for better cervical vertebrae care

可折叠收納, 佔地空間少, 隨處可放, 房間或客廳, 寫字樓, 工作間等佳適用。

Foldable design, only tiny space occupied. Suitable for office, sleep room, dinning room and reading room.

✌️即開即用, 無需安裝, 方便快捷Instantly use, no installation is required.

➡️款式及售價Size and price:

經典款沒伸長設計(Classic style):

🔸46x52x74cm :


升級加長款可伸長卧腳(Upgraded type with stretchable legs stand):



➡️顏色選擇color selection:

🔸原木色original bamboo color

🔸茶色coffee brown color

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