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時尚型格藝術實木長櫈 | Modern and Stylish Solid Wood Bench

時尚型格藝術實木長櫈 | Modern and Stylish Solid Wood Bench


時尚型格藝術實木長櫈|Modern and Stylish Solid Wood Bench

設計師之作, 將藝術融入家具, 此型格長凳以實木椅板及藝術圓球為中心, 腳為鐵藝加舒適羊羔絨面厚坐墊, 提供時尚實用及舒適的用途。

Designer's Masterpiece that delivers a Modern and Stylish Look peice, with Solid Wood Seat Board and Creative Wood Ball, durable Steel Foots which are the excellent combination

✅尺碼及售價|SIZE and Price:

[統一尺碼| Standard for] :

🔸35cm 深度depth

🔸45cm 高度 height

[長度可選Length Selectable] :

🔸60cm: $1298

🔸80cm: $1498

🔸100cm: $1698

🔸120cm: $1898

🔸140cm: $2098


3 款時尚顏色


Original Wood Colour | oak colour|Black Colour


產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 或可向本店索取視頻 (如有)/ Simple Self installation is required. Instruction is provided in the packaging box. Video may have too (depends)

#️⃣售後服務/After sale service

本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意/ We offer satisfying after sale services to our customers

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