百變沙發床沙發 | Magic Change Sofa Bed
沙發秒變睡床 靈活調節扶手及靠背
Sofa Instant Change to Bed with adjustable and back rest angles
[一物多用|Multi Purpose]
🔸用作沙發as Sofa
🔸用作睡床as bed
簡單裝上腳及扶手 即可即用
Simple Installation by put on foots and handles
🔺優質棉麻布編織外套, 透氣親膚舒適, 外套可拆洗設計, 清潔衛生
High quality cotton linens cloth, breathable and soft touch, cover is removable for regular washing
🔺加厚坐墊, 高回彈海棉, 彈力十足, 緩解腰部壓力
Extra thick sponge with high degree of elasticity, capable of well released backbone pressure
Back and arm sides are both adjustable in rest angles
椅深度Sofa Depth: 72cm
椅坐高Sofa Seat HGT: 40cm
展開長度Bed Length: 190cm
寛度可選Width Selectable:
🔸68 cm: $998
🔸80 cm: $1198
🔸100cm: $1398
🔸120cm: $1598
🔸150cm: $1798
Beige /light grey/Brown/Light Blue
#️⃣售後服務/After sale service
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意/ We offer satisfying after sale services to our customers
🚛加80元包運費到指定本地地址 ( 偏遠及唐樓沒電梯另議)
🚛ADD HKD80 Include delivery to Local destinated address (far location and building without lift excluded)