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超享受優質電腦椅/ Deluxe enjoyable gaming chair

超享受優質電腦椅/ Deluxe enjoyable gaming chair




[Deluxe enjoyable gaming chair]

High back support armhold with thick latex seat pad comfortable computer chair


🔸耐用實木椅框及科技布易潔皮料, SGD認證安全氣杆, 提升整體氣派。

🔸加厚乳膠坐墊及靠背墊, 雙層靠背設計, 分區承托。

🔸可360度旋轉, 靠背90度至145度多檔調節躺臥, 高度10cm升降


🔸外擴扶手更舒適, 適合人體黃金比例。

🔸T型式背杆, 結構穩固, 穩定性高

🔸高承重硬核五爪腳, 穩固實力派




Price and model

🔸A type款沒擱腳板

No foot board: HKD1298

🔸B type款連擱腳板

With foot board: HKD1398



White/light grey/dark grey/blue/pink


產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 或可向本店索取視頻 (如有)/ Self installation is required. Instruction is provided in the packaging box. Video may have too (depends)

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本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意/ We offer satisfying after sale services to our customers

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