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超級巨無霸雨傘 | Super Big Surface Double Layers Umbrella

超級巨無霸雨傘 | Super Big Surface Double Layers Umbrella

庫存單位: OU852240522


Double layer high density PG material

🔸加固玻璃纖維傘骨, 可抵抗暴風雨, 不生銹

Extra firm glass fibre bones to resist big storm attack and non rust

🔸優質EVA棉手把, 冬暖夏涼, 提拿舒適

High quality EVA handle, comfortable to carry

🔸精緻傘珠, 防雷傘尾, 穩固虎口端子


On pack with nice umbrella case


外層黑色, 內層2種顏色選擇

Outer is black, 2 color choice for inner


Black black , black red

📶尺碼及售價Size and Price:

🔸打開直徑diameter 135cm: $198

🔸打開直徑diameter 150cm: $228

🔸打開直徑diameter 180cm: $248

產品網頁: Stores Product Widget
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