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長方形創意自由組合櫃/ Rectangular wood shelving DIY Style

長方形創意自由組合櫃/ Rectangular wood shelving DIY Style

🔸整理家居, 生活帶多點顏色, 更活力, 更感朝氣。

➡️尺碼及售價size and price in 
[60cm 寛width] 
🔹無門No door simple: $198
🔹有門With door: $248

[80cm 寛width] 
🔹無門No door simple: $258
🔹有門With door: $348

4款顏色: 黑, 白, 黃, 藍
4colors:  black, white, yellow, blue

產品需自行安裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。
Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box. 

售後服務/After sale service 
本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。
We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.
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