靈活茶几或床頭櫃床邊架/ Flexi Coffee table, bed side table
📶材質materials: 環保顆粒板材, 堅固耐用 手工藝精心打磨 光滑圓角設計, 綫條優美 結實耐用五金, 久用不損耗 📶尺碼及售價size and price: 高度(Height): 53cm ➡️雙層Double /(2) layers: 40cm寛widex40: $168 60cm寛widex30: $168 60cm寛widex40: $218 80cm寛widex30: $258 80cm寛widex40: $298 ➡️3層/ (3) layers: 60cm寛widex40: $328 80cm寛widex40: $398 包裝說明/Installation 產品需自行組裝, 包裝內附安裝說明書, 如需更多指引, 可向本店索取視頻(如有) 。 Self installation is required. Installation guidebook is provided in the packaging box. 售後服務/After sale service 本店提供完善售後服務, 確保客人 稱心滿意。 We offer full satisfaction after sale services to our customers.