高檔櫸木棋盆國際象棋 | Premium Beech International Chess
[高檔櫸木棋盆國際象棋, 樺木棋子/ Premium set of Beech chess board, birch international chess]
高檔實木櫸木棋盆, 樺木棋子, 底部配靜識絨墊, 高雅大方, 可久用及收藏, 送禮自用佳易。具高顏值收藏價值, 可久用的智慧良伴。
High premium level of Beech wood board with birch chess pieces. Chess with velvet protection at the bottom for a better muteIt. It's a Collectable premium chess set for lifelong companion.
Gift for someone or for yourself is certainly a good choice
尺碼及售價sizes and prices:
30x30cmx5cm /皇高king:7cm
🔺大號Large : $398